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@KTzone » 歌詞庫 » Chris Brown(桀傲不羈) Chris Brown » F.A.M.E » Wet The Bed (Ft Ludacris)

歌 手: Chris Brown(桀傲不羈) (Chris Brown)

歌 曲: Wet The Bed (Ft Ludacris) (專 輯:F.A.M.E)

上傳會員: sinta

日 期: 2011 - 4

歌 詞
作詞:Derrick Baker、Kevin McCall、Amber Streeter、Andre Merritt、Christopher Bridges、Chris Brown
作曲:Christopher Bridges、Chris Brown、Andre Merritt、Amber Streeter、Derrick Baker、Kevin McCall

Hear the sound of your body drip, drip, drip
As I kiss both sexy lips, lips, lips
Hear the sound of your body drip, drip, drip
As I kiss both sexy lips, lips, lips

I aint afraid to drown, if that means I'm deep up in your ocean, yeah
Girl I'll drink you down, sipping on your body all night
I just wanna take your legs an' wrap them round
Girl you cummin' right now
My head to your chest feeling your heartbeat girl
Swimming all in your sea
And you sweatin' all over me
Girl, lean forward, don't you run girl
I don't want to be a minute man
Baby your just like a storm
Rainin' on me girl, your soakin' wet

ooooo, whoaaaaaaa

I'ma kiss you right, yea, yeah
I'm gon lick all night, yea, yeah
Girl, when I'm inside yea, yeah
Yeah girl, you heard what I said
I'm gonna make you wet the bed
Yea yeah
Girl I'm gonna make you wet the bed
Yea yeah
I'm gonna make you wet the bed
I'mma put your legs behind your head
I'm gonna make you wet the bed

You don't know what you in for
Bout to get into your mental, huh
Bend you back like its limbo
I'm gon make you feel like a Nympho
Tonight(ooooh) your mine, baby girl, uhhhh

Anytime you want it
I'm ready and willin' gotta give it
I start to lick on your body
You go to trembling
Move around girl, let me get it from the side
And can I visit all those spots you like
Your neck, your back, your sexy lips
booty and thighs

I dont want to be a minute man
Baby your just like a storm
Rainin' on me girl, your soakin' wet
yea, yeah

I'ma kiss you right, yea, yeah
I'm gon lick all night, yea, yeah
Girl, when I'm inside yea, yeah
Yeah girl, you heard what I said
I'm gonna make you wet the bed
Yea yeah
Girl I'm gonna make you wet the bed
Yea yeah
I'm gonna make you wet the bed
I'mma put your legs behind your head
I'm gonna make you wet the bed

I'ma make your body wetter than ever
We'll get together you could tell as soon as I approach her
When you feelin' uptight get it right
Don't fight, lightin up like Sammy Sosa
Women call me the super soaker
And I'ma soak your bed to death
(don't stop, huh, huh)
How long can you hold you breath, uhh
A-a-asthma attackin'
Waking up, wondering what happened
Makin' me hot like Toni Braxton
You can't deny you wanna break my back in, two
What you wanna do, look at you with your birthday suit, suit, suit, suit
The forcast said it's cloudy tonight
And I'ma have your body like bloo, bloo, bloo, bloo


Hear the sound of your body drip, drip, drip
As I kiss both sexy lips, lips, lips
Hear the sound of your body drip, drip, drip
As I kiss both sexy lips, lips, lips

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